Botox in Waynesville, OH

Botox in Waynesville

You probably don’t associate Botox with dentistry. While Botox is usually performed for cosmetic reasons, we can use it to ease oral pain or discomfort as well. Botox is offered at our office in Waynesville for both cosmetic and medical purposes.

Medical Botox

There are several conditions that Botox can be used for. TMJ Disorder is a common issue that causes pain and limits jaw movement. Bruxism, or the act of jaw clenching and teeth grinding, is another common condition that may require Botox. Even migraines can be treated with the use of Botox. This procedure will help relieve the pain and discomfort these conditions cause.

Cosmetic Botox

Maybe you’re self-conscious about your smile lines or other pesky wrinkles. Botox offered in Waynesville, can be used to counter those too! Whether you need relief from the pain of a tense jaw or you want to refresh your smile, a simple Botox procedure done in our office can address these issues. If you have questions about Botox in Waynesville, come visit our office and let our staff assist you